Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Islam Mughal Empire - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 508 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/04/10 Category Culture Essay Level High school Tags: Cultural Identity Essay Did you like this example? They dont attack were the cities who surrender under their leadership example: the Amer kingdom. Despite, the submission under the Muslim Mughal leadership they never treated the Hindus community well, they increased taxes on the food items and charge tax pilgrimage on them. In like manner, the other factor affective-behavioral Islamophobia represents the response domain of the fear system that is associated with the avoidance of potential dangers. Hence, its emotional discomfort and avoidance-oriented behaviors lead to withdrawal-oriented activity. For instance, in the film Jodhaa Akbar, Jodhaa fears and lack of trust made her not to accept Akbar wholeheartedly. She was so resentful of him, she would not let him touch her, have any intimacy, and no emotional affection towards him. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Islam: Mughal Empire" essay for you Create order Moreover, this concept of Islamophobia impacted the character Jodhaa negatively. It affected every area of her life socially she was not able to mingle around freely except with her maids and only those assigned to her, emotionally she felt withdrawn and reserved, psychologically she was depressed and filled with misery that the mom had to give her a vial poison to take and kill herself instead of her to go through the pain. However, as a clinician the way I will be addressing this issue, especially, from a professional context is to first understand my clients worldview that will give me the clinician an idea of areas that needs exploring. Jun (2010) mentions that understanding the client from his worldview requires the practitioner to understand her own worldview, which is based on her ability to be aware of her own values, beliefs, biases, prejudices, racial identity development, thinking patterns, the impact of systematic privilege/ oppression, and internalized privilege/ oppression on her worldview. Afterwards, I will be incorporating scientific inquiry into clinical inquiry. Jun (2010) states that, one of the ways to become an effective practitioner is to acquire the ability to apply psychological research methodology critique skills to the therapeutic setting. Therefore, as a clinician, I will be using the CBT technique to help address Jodhaa issues such as fear, anxiety, and depression. CBT is a psychotherapeutic approach that integrates behavioral and cognitive principles, and research with behavioral therapy. Additionally, the main focus of CBT is to replace negative and unproductive thought patterns with more realistic and useful one. Moreover, my client Jodhaa has a strong religious background so the specific therapy I will use is the RCBT and the method will be the ABCDE steps of Albert Ellis (1962). A is activating; understanding what situation occurred around the time of the negative emotions. B is beliefs; understanding the thoughts that went through the clients mind. C is consequences; understanding the clients emotional and behavioral attitudes. D is disputing; identifying and challenging those unhelpful thinking styles involved in their thought process. E is executing; here the need to use clients religious beliefs and practices as a resource to help confront and change dysfunctional beliefs such as making Jodhaa see that Islam is there to protect and care for their women as jewel and there is nothing to be afraid of.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Immigration And Refugee Protection Act - 895 Words
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act is an act respecting immigration to Canada and the granting of refugee protection to persons who are displayed, persecuted or in danger. Immigration has had a big effect on today’s community’s and environments here in Canada. Disclosed are the pros and cons of immigration in Canada, the pros and cons of the IRB procedures and hearings, and also my view on working in immigration law. Immigration has grown to become a big aspect in today’s society in Canada. Most cities have welcomed immigration, although mainly portrayed in bigger cities. Immigration in Canada has come with its share of pros as well as its share of cons. The pros with the immigration in Canada starts off with the racial blending of persons in the community, giving future generations a more positive outlook towards equality for all races because they grow up in a world that, for them, hasn’t seen racial and cultural inequality. In my opinion, in a world where children aren’t aware of the cultural and racial inequalities that had been put forth in the generations before them is an enormous strength to immigration for the fact that every person has a right to life and liberty and to have those ideas implanted in the generations to come is detrimental to a working society. Cons found in immigration in Canada fall in employment. The more people immigrate to Canada, the more jobs a re being filled leaving others without any. The Immigration Refugee Board is able to offer a wideShow MoreRelatedCanada s Immigration And Refugee Protection Act1433 Words  | 6 PagesCanada’s Immigration Policies: Canada’s Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) determines whether or not someone is eligible to immigrate to Canada. There are 3 different sections of the policy, but in general, it factors in nationality, age, language ability, family members, education, work experience, and income. 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They were forced to leave their homeland because of some or all of the possible reasons. And the United Stated have been working towards the largest refugee camp in the world due to U.S. policy and diplomacy. After the mid 1970s, a prominent American immigration policy issue facing the problemRead MoreThe Asylum Seeker Is Defined As Person Who Has Fled Their Own Country And Applied For Protection As A1446 Words  | 6 Pagescountry and applied for protection as a refugee. (Australian Human Rights Commission, 2015).According to the Convention on refugees, ‘a refugee is someone who has travelled outside his or her own country and cannot return due to a well-founded fear of persecution because of his or her race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion’ which was stated in the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Need for More Medications for Dementia - 967 Words
Current medications for dementia are limited and there is a need to explore traditional medicinal system to investigate the agents that can prevent progression of memory loss or improve the existing capacity of learning and memory. Thus present study was carried out to evaluate the effects of Ayurveda drug formulations, Tinospora cordifolia (Tc) Phyllanthus emblica (Pe) with and without Ocimum sanctum (Os) on learning performance and memory of mice. We also tried to investigate the possible mechanisms of these plant drugs for their effects on learning and memory using Scopolamine, Diazepam and Cyclosporine as amnesic agents. Methods: After approval of Animal Ethics Committee, Swiss albino mice of either sex, and weight 18 to 25 grams were divided into 7 groups, administered orally either distilled water, Rivastigmine (2.4mg/kg), Tc (100mg/kg), Pe (300mg/kg), Formulation 1 (Tc+Pe: 400mg/kg) and Formulation 2 (Tc+Pe+Os:400mg/kg) daily for 15 days. Piracetam (200mg/kg) was injected daily intraperitoneally for 8 days. The mice underwent a learning session using Elevated Plus maze. Retention of learning (memory) was tested 24 hours later. Results: The mice pre-treated with modern as well as Ayurveda drugs showed trend towards reduction in transfer latencies but the values were statistically comparable to vehicle control. In the entire drug treated groups, a significant reduction (p0.05) was observed after 24 hrs in transfer latencies. Vehicle control did not show suchShow MoreRelatedThe Cognitive Effects Of Single Diagnosed With Dementia1642 Words  | 7 PagesDementia is a condition resulting from obtained brain disease and distinguished by progressive decay in memory and other cognitive fields such as judgment, abstract thinking, language, and executive functioning. This disease is usually caused by degeneration in the cerebral cortex, the part of the brain responsible for thoughts, memories, actions, and personality. Death of brain cells in this area leads to the impairments that distinguish dementia. Though the cognitive outline of single diagnosedRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Dementia935 Words  | 4 P agesâ€Å"Worldwide, 47.5 million people have dementia and there are 7.7 million new cases every year†(WHO). Dementia is not a specific disease. Instead, it is a broad term used to describe a wide range of symptoms that impact one’s daily functioning (ALZ). These symptoms are associated with memory, thinking, and social abilities (Mayo Clinic). While signs and symptoms of dementia can differ based on the cause, there are several common cognitive and psychological changes that occur. Common cognitive changesRead MoreTaking a Look at Dementia1005 Words  | 4 PagesDementia is a broad term that encompasses a variety of different diseases and syndromes(The dementia timebomb, 2013). About 38 million in the united states and 820,000 in the United Kingdom are diagnosed with one of the over 100 types of dementia. It is also and aged related condition, so most people inflicted with it are older rather than younger. A person can have multiple forms of dementia or a disease such as alzheimers diseases that involves dementia symptoms. Symptoms of dementia include:Read MoreAnalysis and Desc ription of Dementia Essay1741 Words  | 7 PagesDementia is characterized as a condition where the mental processes of cognition and memory start to deteriorate. It is described as a syndrome that hinders the daily lives of those who have it and is characterized by memory and thinking impairment. The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer’s Disease and the second most common is vascular dementia. 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For some this practice seems far less intrusive than administering injectable medication by physically restraining a person who does not want to be medicated. It will be undetected by the person receiving the medication. According to the Alzheimers Society there are approximately half a million people living with dementia in England. Dementia is not a specific disease. Dementia is a progressiveRead MoreElderly Abuse Issues1420 Words  | 6 PagesProtecting Canada’s Seniors Act, which increased awareness on the issues facing the elderly population of 65 years and above (Sibbal Holroyd-Leduc, 2012). This paper will examine three contemporary challenges facing the cohort, including elderly abuse, dementia, and polypharmacy, while preventative strategies and recommendations addressing these issues will be offered. 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However, our awareness of antidepressant treatments in children and adolescents, though growing substantially, is incomplete compared to our knowledge about treating depression in adults. †¢ Recently, there has been few trepidation that the use of antidepressant medications themselves may induceRead MoreSymptoms Of Patients With Dementia962 Words  | 4 Pagesexpress the pain that they feel to the people around them. This article goes into depth of how patients with dementia or Alzheimer’s don’t necessarily get the pain management to meet their needs and ways for medical professionals and the family members can understand that just because the patient cannot express the pain in a way that they understand it doesn’t mean that they are pain free. Dementia is defined in the article as ‘a group of syndromes characterized by progressive decline in cognition of
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Behavior And Attitudes At Workplace Samples †MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the Behavior And Attitudes At Workplace. Answer: Introduction The purpose of the following paper is to focus on the various aspects in the workplace that are concerned with behavior and attitudes. These things are very important for a newer outlook in the organizational excellence. The employees have to keep their decorum in the workplace and they must be showing their best attitudes at the workplace since it is very important to impress the higher authorities to improve their positions. The employees must feel aligned with the culture of the organization and their attitudes should represent the same. The employee attitudes reflect the image of the organization itself (Alvesson 2012). The attitudes of the employees are very significance since it is the mirror image of the sincerity and graveness of the employees. The question of job satisfaction is an important thing because an employee will not be able to survive in an organization where he cannot feel safe or comfortable. Every organization has some missions and goals and the employees must b e feeling committed to fulfill them. This organizational commitment has to be measured in this aspect as well (Mowday, Porter and Steers 2013). Organizational commitment Organizational commitment means the emotional and psychological attachment of the employee to his or her organization (Ycel 2012). Generally, there are three types of organizational commitment that exists in the modern business environment. These three types of organizational commitment are affective commitment, continuance commitment and normative commitment. Affective commitment Affective commitment means the kind of emotional attachment to the organization and the deep desire that the employee shows to stay in that particular organization for a long time. The employees who have a good rate of emotional attachment with the organization have a good affective commitment (Ghosh, Reio and Haynes 2012). Continuance commitment The continuance commitment is the factor for which the employees of the organizations feel that they should not be leaving the organization and if they do so, that will be very problematic and costly for them (Meyer et al. 2012). The employees might even find that the particular employee might face long term unemployment because of that step. Normative commitment According to the normative commitment, the employees feel that he should stay in that organization for that time because perhaps it is the best thing to do at that moment (Eslami and Gharakhani 2012). Job satisfaction Job satisfaction is one certain thing that the employees search for when they begin to work for an organization (Wong and Laschinger 2013). On the reverse, it is the duty of the organizations to ensure the employee satisfaction. Also, another important thing for the organizations is to focus on employee retention. The organizations have to provide the employees with proper satisfaction so that they will be looking to stay in the organization for a longer period of time. The human resource managers should make sure that the employees are taken care of and they are well paid as per their qualification and experience. There are several factors that are responsible for the job satisfaction of the employees. One of them is to show the proper respect to the employees by the management. The management also has to keep the trust and faith on the employees that will cater to the mental comfort of the employees and then only the employees will feel to deliver their best efforts for the organiz ation. The job security of the employees must be ensured and the managers have to create a safe working environment. The employees should not be embarrassed or harassed at the workplace by their colleagues or their seniors (Anitha 2014). The employee should feel that they should have a broad career path from their current employment position. The employees must feel that they are given the proper benefits and wages at the beginning of the month. Employee attitudes The employees must feel that they are working in a positive working atmosphere and this has to be created by the employees themselves by showing competent attitudes at the workplace. The attitudes of the employees will determine that they are the perfect faces for the company to be showcased (Robertson, Jansen Birch and Cooper 2012). It is obvious that the skills in the workplace and experience are the most important assets for the employees but it cannot be denied that a proper attitude of the employees should not be ignored as well. A proper attitude by the employees is helpful for building an impressive view about the employees from the senior management and the higher authorities. An employee can be termed as a loyal employee only when he has fulfilled the rules and regulations of the company properly. It must be remembered that his attitude should not also harm the ethical guidelines of the organization. These attitudes have to be followed by the employees if he desires to be va luable employee for the organization (Robertson, Jansen Birch and Cooper 2012). Respectfulness Respect is one of the most important aspects of the employee attitude. It is always helpful for the employees to show a respectful attitude towards the senior management (Grover 2014). The interaction between the employees and the senior management should be based on respect. The employees should behave with the clients and the colleagues with proper respect. The employees who show proper respect towards their colleagues and seniors, get the same treatment from the opposite end as well. This is very helpful for the employee retention (Grover 2014). Prideful attitude The prideful attitude of the employees is sometimes good but it sheds a negative impact on the management as well. The employees who have a prideful attitude do not show that much energy in working harder for achieving the organizational goals. The prideful employees refuse to help others and gets in trouble in future for that (Sirota and Klein 2013). Commitment The employees must stay committed and loyal towards the organizations. The employees should also think in the same line as the organizational objectives. They should be able to play their job roles perfectly and match the expectations from the management (Sirota and Klein 2013). Innovation The employees who can innovate must utilize their skills in the workplace. They should apply their thoughts and implement the strategies in the organizations they are working for. They will be able to accomplish the tasks assigned to him by implementing some innovative methods (Tang, Pee and Iijima 2013). It may happen that these strategies may not be helpful in one case but in long term scenario, these will be helpful. Helpfulness The employees should always be helpful towards their colleagues. This will help them to attain a better position from the viewpoint of their colleagues. Helpful people always get special attention from the workplaces. The employees should help their clients or customers as well so that it can bear a good impression in their minds. Care for the employees by their managers The managers should always care for their employees and always motivate them in their hour of need. The talent of the employees varies and the managers should always motivate the less talented employees. The managers should always talk to the less talented workers and discuss about their weaknesses and advise ways on how to improve them (Carlton and Perloff 2015). The behavior and the attitudes of the managers decide on how the employees should look at them. Another duty of the managers is to present the image of the organization in a positive way because the new joining employees do not have a proper view about the organization. This way the employees will be feeling safe in the working environment (Carlton and Perloff 2015). The loyal and committed employees should be rewarded with their due honor. The dedicated employees should be presented with the rewards and recognitions for their dedicated work and the employee who neglect their work should be given punishment through several means (Singh and Mohanty 2012). It is the duty of the managers to communicate with the employees personally so that they can feel assured that they are valued in the organization and they are a part of it. The managers should be making a big mistake if they do not communicate with the employees personally and choose to show their attitude their attitude in front of others employees. The managers should always with utmost confidence and motivational power that will inspire the employees as well (Singh and Mohanty 2012). This will be transformed into the minds of the employees and they should feel confident about their roles in the organization. It is the managers call after all to feel to make the employees learn about new things in the organization and feel confident from within. If the motivation is not there, the employees will never feel that zeal to work with their best efforts and represent a better brand image for the organization. The managers should also make sure that their subordinate employees are completely dedicated towards their organization (Singh and Mohanty 2012). The productivity of the organizations will increase only at the time when the employees will be giving their best efforts towards it. The employees must perform their works more sincerely and then they will feel a strong and positive bonding with the organization. The performance of the employees will work as the step ladder to gain better positions in the future. The organizational commitment will be very important in that context (Singh and Mohanty 2012). Conclusion The paper can be concluded by saying that organizational commitment is an essential thing in every organization for the employees. It should be increased so that the employees should gain better lifestyle in his coming years. The challenging business environment is very critical to survive and the employees should be doing their best so that they can survive and thrive in this scenario. They must follow the guidelines of the organization properly and respect the employment conditions for a secure future. 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