Monday, February 24, 2020

International Developments That Have Critical Implication for Essay

International Developments That Have Critical Implication for International HRM - Essay Example A number of important international developments are presently taking place that has critical implication for international HRM. They include; (a) the growth of multinationals in the emerging markets, (b) constant increment levels of foreign direct investments, (c) the growing power of cross-border alliances (M&As) that involve companies from the emerging markets, (d) a growing trend in business process outsourcing, and (e) the challenges posed by the current financial crisis and the way to manage effectively in difficult times. The emerging international economic scenario characterized by the rise of economically stronger emerging markets is creating serious challenges for the IHRM policymakers; however, the same scenario lays immense opportunities for the IHRM researchers. The model of strategic international HRM (SIHRM) is based on the earliest and most famous article by Schuler, Dowling and De Cieri. The model describes endogenous and exogenous factors and strategic components th at have an effect on SIHRM policies, issues, functions, and practices. They, in turn, affect the MNC goals such as efficiency, learning, flexibility, effectiveness, responsiveness, and transfer. According to the model, the external factors (industry characteristics, country-regional characteristics and inter-organizational networks) have an effect on the internal organizational factors, strategic HRM and MNE (multinational enterprise) concerns and goals. The internal organizational factors, strategic HRM and MNE concerns and goals affect each other. The internal organizational factors include; (a) MNE structure – structure of the international operations, intra-organizational networks, mechanisms of coordination, and modes of operations, (b) MNE strategy – corporative level strategy and business level strategy, (c) experience in the management of international operations, and (d) headquarters international orientation. Strategic HRM entails HR function strategy and HR practices. MNE concerns and goals entail competitiveness, efficiency, the balance of local responsiveness and international integration, and flexibility.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Summary Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 7

Summary - Assignment Example These elements were witnessed in the movies that were created in Hollywood during the session of 1940s. He asserts that these four elements make up the best definition of film noir. Schrader states that the very first element that defines a film noir is the dillusionment that arose after the World War II and the war itself. He states that during the period of 1930s and 1940s, moviews were made for the purpose of conducting propaganda and helping people cheer up due to their sufferings of the issues of the WWII and the Depression. He states that during the early period of the 1940s, movies such as The Maltese Falcon and Laura came into existance and they were a true form of film Noir. In these films, the dillusionment experiencedby the whole nation was portrayed. These movies and the movie The Blue Tahlia represented the scenes of soilders returning back home and they have no work and women had lost tehir jobs. He further asserts that the second most element that is requried to recognize a movie as film Noir is post-war realism. He states that after the war, Americans were demanding for authencity in the media industry, they no longer wanted to see moves that were melodramatic and represnted the higher class. They wanted the real image of the society to be portrayed in the movies and wanted these movies to be about the issues that they were experiencing. Their tatse for sets even changed and they no longer wanted the actors to make movies in fake settings, they wanted them to shoot movies on the street. For exmaple: They wanted the actors to work in locations such as Norma Desmond’s mansion which was broughdown during the `957. The third element that differentiates a movie as being a film noir is that such movies used to be influenced by the Germans by a certain extent. This is because during the period of 1930s, there was an increase in the spread of Nazism and several individuals had