Thursday, August 27, 2020
The Best of Daily Writing Tips in 2011
The Best of Daily Writing Tips in 2011 The Best of Daily Writing Tips in 2011 The Best of Daily Writing Tips in 2011 By Daniel Scocco Most importantly upbeat new year to all the Daily Writing Tips perusers! Have confidence well continue sending you our best composing tips in 2012. Beneath youll discover an aggregation of the most visited posts we distributed in 2011. Ensure you havent missed any! 100 Mostly Small But Expressive Interjections 7 Grammatical Errors That Aren’t 100 Beautiful and Ugly Words 10 Latin Abbreviations You Might Be Using Incorrectly 100 Whimsical Words Would it be advisable for you to Self-Publish? 50 Problem Words and Phrases 20 Classic Novels You Can Read in One Sitting Who Cares About â€Å"Whom†Anymore? How Spelling Diverges Between American and British English 10 Words That Don’t Mean What You May Think They Do 10 Comma Cases in Which More Is More 10 Pairs of Similar-Looking Near Antonyms 150 Foreign Expressions to Inspire You Is â€Å"They†Acceptable as a Singular Pronoun? 50 Redundant Phrases to Avoid 10 Intensifiers You Should Really, Absolutely Avoid The Other N-Words 7 Editing Pet Peeves 8 Steps to More Concise Writing Need to improve your English in a short time a day? Get a membership and begin accepting our composing tips and activities day by day! Continue learning! Peruse the General class, check our well known posts, or pick a related post below:7 Types of Narrative Conflict20 Words Meaning Being or Existing in the PastUsing zeitgeist Coherently
Saturday, August 22, 2020
What characterizes Calicut in the 14th and 15th centuries and how did Essay
What portrays Calicut in the fourteenth and fifteenth hundreds of years and how could it cooperate with different pieces of the world around then - Essay Example It was available to Europeans by the intrusion of Vasco Da Gama in May 1498 that set Kerala up for life of the cutting edge world. The encounters of Da Gama’s journey to India referenced in Roteiro described Calicut as a city wealthy in flavors, which had an extraordinary interest in the East and the West. The important common assets of Calicut are referenced by Ibn Battuta, an explorer, in his diary, ‘A Gift to the individuals who think about the miracles of urban communities and the wonders experienced in travel’. Battuta, in his encounters in Calicut, is diverted by the amount of exchange did by the shippers from the Arab and the China with huge number of boats resting at the shore. The Roteiro represents why the Portuguese wish direct abroad access to the rich markets of India and past. It was predominantly a direct result of the various obligations and net revenue set on flavors. The attack through ocean by Vasco Da Gama was a direct result of the conclusion of land courses and expected to make more than 600,000 cruzados every year that the Sultan of Egypt delighted in. Calicut was a business emporium; it was additionally a significant focus of gemstone creation. The extravagance in its assets purchased shippers from the greater part of the Islamic world and China which were seen by Ibn Battuta and Ma Huan. The city was generally associated with various pieces of the world due its picked up acknowledgment as wealthy in flavors and diamonds (Andrea and Overfield, 8). Aside from its business movement, Battuta makes reference to about the accommodation of Samudri Raja, respect concurred to the operators responsible for the Chinese boats who desired the motivation behind exchange and whose boats were resting at harbor. It tends to be comprehended from the encounters of Battuta, the Chinese put vigorously in business with Calicut on account of its assets as well as for the sort of assurance it got from the King of Calicut. Client
Friday, August 21, 2020
Whats Tested on the SAT Writing Section Grammar and Questions
What's Tested on the SAT Writing Section Grammar and Questions SAT/ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Composing, to me, is just considering my fingers. On the off chance that Isaac Asimov weretalking about the SAT Writing and Language area, he would likely add that he would need to thoroughly consider his fingers quick. With 35 minutes for 44multiple decision questions, you need to work rapidly and productively to accomplish a high score. How about we go over the Writing and Language area in detail so you know precisely what's in store. Arrangement of the SAT Writing The Writing and Language segment is your second segment on the SAT. Composing and Language, together with Reading, makes up your verbal score (otherwise known as, Proof based Reading and Writing score). This area is35 minutes long and asks you 44 various decision inquiries. The entirety of the inquiries depend on entries. Truth be told, there are four entries followed by 11 inquiries each. Thepassages are sourced from the territories of Careers, Social Studies, the Humanities, and Science: Vocations sections may talk about patterns or discussions in significant expert fields, similar to medication, innovation, or business. Social investigations sections may draw from history, human studies, brain research, political theory, or human science. Humanities entries could highlight a creator or investigate inclines in writing or expressions of the human experience, includingprose, verse, workmanship, music, or move. Science sections will concentrate on points in earth science, science, science, or material science. You won't get any exposition; the entirety of the entries will be true to life, illustrative, or contention based. At least one will likewise be joined by a related realistic, similar to an outline, table, or chart. The thing you have to think about theWriting and Language entries is that they're brimming with issues. They willbe filled with errorsin accentuation, word decision, sentence structure, and association. The different decision addresses will highlight different pieces of the sections andask you if and how each partshould be fixed. The Writing and Language segment tests your publication aptitudes. How about we investigate how it does this. Composing and Language: Testing Your Editorial Skills Composing and Language requests that you read mistake flung entries and improve them. To begin with, you need to perceive whether there is an error.If there is, at that point you need to pick the appropriate response that would fix or improve the sentence, section, or entry. To accomplishthis task, you have to comprehend language structure rules andhow to organizeideasanduse transitional words and expressions. As per College Board, Writing and Language addresses test four principle abilities territory: Command of Evidence, Words in Context, Expression of Ideas, Standard English Conventions. Somewhat over portion of inquiries pose about the initial three aptitudes zones and have to do with the turn of events and association of thoughts and successful language use. The other portion of inquiries spread Standard English Conventions. These inquiries pose about sentence structure, utilization, and accentuation. They will in general be more meticulous inquiries. How about we investigate every one of these expertise territories and what they test, alongside an official example question in each. 1. Order of Evidence Order of Evidence addresses will in general gander at the 10,000 foot view. They need you to improve the manner in which an entry presents data or confers meaning. You may need to include a supporting point of interest, initial sentence, or decision to make a section progressively effective. These inquiries frequently pose to you to incorporate the explanation behind creation a change (ie, your evidence).This test question falls into the Command of Evidence class. It needs you to reinforce an entry and give your thinking behind picking a specific answer. Getting on setting pieces of information is significant! By what other means would you say you are going to make sense of that it was Professor Plum with the candle in the pool room? 2. Words in Context Words in Context are more meticulous than Command of Evidence questions, as they point to a specific word. You may need to supplant a word that doesn't bode well or pick one that works better in itsparticular setting. None of the words will be especially cutting-edge, however they may be ones that are effectively befuddled (for example the words outflank, exceed, and exceed) or that take on various implications relying upon setting. Similarly as with many Writing questions, Words in Context addresses will have the choice of No Change.Before considering how to supplant the word, you need to choose whether or not there's an issue in any case. Here's a normal case of a Words in Context question in SAT Writing and Language. 3. Articulation of Ideas As their classification demonstrates, Expression of Ideas questions get some information about how thoughts are communicated. You may adjust the request for sentences to improve stream or reinforce a contention. You may likewise decide to erase a sentence totally. These are enormous picture questions that request that you make updates that would make the section progressively effective. Coming up next is a case of an Expression of Ideas question on the SAT. 4. Standard English Conventions Practically 50% of the SAT Writing addresses fall into this Standard English Conventions class. Here's the place your comprehension of language and accentuation rules becomes possibly the most important factor. These inquiries pose to you to fix blunders in sentences and statements. You may alter for mistakes in action word tense, subject-action word understanding, pronoun use,parallel development, commas, or punctuations. The accompanying model, for example, requests that you recognize there and their and to ensure the expression under considerationhas propersubject-action word understanding. The second inquiry testscomma rules. Notwithstanding these four significant aptitude zones in Writing and Language, Command of Evidence, Words in Context, Expression of Ideas, and Standard English Conventions, you'll additionally experience another inquiry type that requires its own extraordinary prep. About 2% to 4% of inquiries will be about information translation. On the upgraded SAT, information is surrounding you. Additional Question Type: Data Interpretation As you read over, at least one of the entries in Writing and Language will be joined by a realistic, similar to an outline, table, diagram, or some other visual that conveys information. The realistic will be identified with the entry here and there, however it may be portrayed inaccurately. Questions couldask you to revisean erroneous portrayal of the information or to include a sentence based information to fortify a contention. Here's a case of an information understanding inquiry on Writing and Language. The information understanding inquiries are the main ones of the Writing area where you may need to flip between pages to peruse the question and afterward counsel the chart. As should be obvious in the examples, the entirety of different inquiries should fix up straightforwardly with the part(s) of the entry to which they allude. Since you have a feeling of the abilities and question types on this segment, read on for some key investigation tips to get ready for SAT Writing and Language. Get out your red pen. School Board has quite recently given you the activity ofEditor-in-Chief. How toStudy for SAT Writing and Language The SAT Writing and Language area requests that you be an editorial manager. It presents you with imperfect sections, and your responsibility is to improve them. You may improve a word, fix an accentuation botch, adjust thoughts, or add sentences to improve stream. While a portion of your publication abilities are the total aftereffect of long stretches of perusing and perusing, how might you find a way to set yourself up for the SAT Writing area? Peruse on for sixstudy tips to assist you with accomplishing your objective scores. 1. Study Grammar Rules Practically 50% of the inquiries on the Writing segment pose to you to fix a mistake in language, use, or accentuation. While language structure rules aren't the main piece of your SAT Writing prep, they are a major part. To get ready, you should ensure you comprehend the most normally tried language structure rules, similar to subject-action word understanding, equal structure, and rearranging tedium. By knowing the standard, you can get on what an inquiry is posing to you. At that point you can certainly locatethe right answer, as opposed to just depending on what sounds or looks right. Get a firm handle of language structure and utilization manages so you can ace these inquiry types on SAT Writing. 2. Study Punctuation Rules The old SAT didn't get some information about accentuation, however the overhauled test does. You may need to fix a comma, punctuation, semicolon, colon, or period, maybe joining phrases into one sentence or isolating a sudden spike in demand for into two sentences. Make a point to audit the most regularly tried punctuationrulesand then test your comprehension with authentic practice questions. Pair each standard with important practice inquiries to fortify the idea. At that point take practice tests where the inquiries are totally turned around in arbitrary request to ensure you can review the significant accentuation rule when you get tried on it. These inquiries are precarious in the event that you don't have the foggiest idea, for instance, the correct method to utilize a semicolon. On the off chance that you do, however, at that point they're simple. 3. Understand Essays and Newspaper Articles As you read over, the entirety of the entries on the Writing segment get some information about verifiable, illustrative, or contention based writings. In the event that you've spent English classes just understanding writing, likeThe Great Gatsby and The Crucible, at that point you may require additional training with non-composition writings. Somegreat sources forpractice are true to life papers and paper articles. Peruse with a scientific eye, maybe revolving around transitional words and taking notes on the edges about how thoughts are sorted out or how a creator constructs a contention. Deconstruct the content before you similarly as a manager would. On the off chance that an entry strikes you as especially solid, attempt to dissect why it's so solid. On the off chance that it neglects to dazzle, note what you would change to make it progressively effective. Building up your publication eye is key for excelling on the SAT Writing a
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Islam Mughal Empire - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 508 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/04/10 Category Culture Essay Level High school Tags: Cultural Identity Essay Did you like this example? They dont attack were the cities who surrender under their leadership example: the Amer kingdom. Despite, the submission under the Muslim Mughal leadership they never treated the Hindus community well, they increased taxes on the food items and charge tax pilgrimage on them. In like manner, the other factor affective-behavioral Islamophobia represents the response domain of the fear system that is associated with the avoidance of potential dangers. Hence, its emotional discomfort and avoidance-oriented behaviors lead to withdrawal-oriented activity. For instance, in the film Jodhaa Akbar, Jodhaa fears and lack of trust made her not to accept Akbar wholeheartedly. She was so resentful of him, she would not let him touch her, have any intimacy, and no emotional affection towards him. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Islam: Mughal Empire" essay for you Create order Moreover, this concept of Islamophobia impacted the character Jodhaa negatively. It affected every area of her life socially she was not able to mingle around freely except with her maids and only those assigned to her, emotionally she felt withdrawn and reserved, psychologically she was depressed and filled with misery that the mom had to give her a vial poison to take and kill herself instead of her to go through the pain. However, as a clinician the way I will be addressing this issue, especially, from a professional context is to first understand my clients worldview that will give me the clinician an idea of areas that needs exploring. Jun (2010) mentions that understanding the client from his worldview requires the practitioner to understand her own worldview, which is based on her ability to be aware of her own values, beliefs, biases, prejudices, racial identity development, thinking patterns, the impact of systematic privilege/ oppression, and internalized privilege/ oppression on her worldview. Afterwards, I will be incorporating scientific inquiry into clinical inquiry. Jun (2010) states that, one of the ways to become an effective practitioner is to acquire the ability to apply psychological research methodology critique skills to the therapeutic setting. Therefore, as a clinician, I will be using the CBT technique to help address Jodhaa issues such as fear, anxiety, and depression. CBT is a psychotherapeutic approach that integrates behavioral and cognitive principles, and research with behavioral therapy. Additionally, the main focus of CBT is to replace negative and unproductive thought patterns with more realistic and useful one. Moreover, my client Jodhaa has a strong religious background so the specific therapy I will use is the RCBT and the method will be the ABCDE steps of Albert Ellis (1962). A is activating; understanding what situation occurred around the time of the negative emotions. B is beliefs; understanding the thoughts that went through the clients mind. C is consequences; understanding the clients emotional and behavioral attitudes. D is disputing; identifying and challenging those unhelpful thinking styles involved in their thought process. E is executing; here the need to use clients religious beliefs and practices as a resource to help confront and change dysfunctional beliefs such as making Jodhaa see that Islam is there to protect and care for their women as jewel and there is nothing to be afraid of.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Immigration And Refugee Protection Act - 895 Words
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act is an act respecting immigration to Canada and the granting of refugee protection to persons who are displayed, persecuted or in danger. Immigration has had a big effect on today’s community’s and environments here in Canada. Disclosed are the pros and cons of immigration in Canada, the pros and cons of the IRB procedures and hearings, and also my view on working in immigration law. Immigration has grown to become a big aspect in today’s society in Canada. Most cities have welcomed immigration, although mainly portrayed in bigger cities. Immigration in Canada has come with its share of pros as well as its share of cons. The pros with the immigration in Canada starts off with the racial blending of persons in the community, giving future generations a more positive outlook towards equality for all races because they grow up in a world that, for them, hasn’t seen racial and cultural inequality. In my opinion, in a world where children aren’t aware of the cultural and racial inequalities that had been put forth in the generations before them is an enormous strength to immigration for the fact that every person has a right to life and liberty and to have those ideas implanted in the generations to come is detrimental to a working society. Cons found in immigration in Canada fall in employment. The more people immigrate to Canada, the more jobs a re being filled leaving others without any. The Immigration Refugee Board is able to offer a wideShow MoreRelatedCanada s Immigration And Refugee Protection Act1433 Words  | 6 PagesCanada’s Immigration Policies: Canada’s Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) determines whether or not someone is eligible to immigrate to Canada. There are 3 different sections of the policy, but in general, it factors in nationality, age, language ability, family members, education, work experience, and income. Within the different areas of the immigration policy, which are economic, family reunification, and refugee, there are more specific things looked at in applicants. In the economicRead MoreA Brief Examination of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada647 Words  | 3 Pagesï » ¿A Brief Examination of the Immigration Refugee Board The Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada is an independent tribunal established by the Parliament of Canada. Our mission, on behalf of Canadians, is to resolve immigration and refugee cases efficiently, fairly and in accordance with the law. ~Mission Statement of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada For various reasons, it may become necessary to leave ones home country. Many people are attracted to Canada. Some peopleRead MoreEffectiveness Of The United States And Canada s Polices Towards Refugees Essay1543 Words  | 7 PagesEffectiveness of the United States and Canada’s Polices Towards Refugees Has United States or Canada been more effective with implementing and abiding by refugee rules and laws? Before discussing and comparing which of these countries had been more successful, the historical context of refugees needs to be explored. Although refugees have existed throughout the course of history, the definitions of what a refuge is had shifted and evolved over time. The League of Nations in the 1920s defined refugeesRead MoreCanadas Immigration System Act1519 Words  | 7 PagesOn June 28, 2012, the Protecting Canada’s Immigration System Act (Bill C-31) took effect. This act was put in place to bring further reforms to the asylum system, add measures to address human smuggling, and add the requirement to include biometric data as part of a temporary resident visa, work permit, and study permit application. These changes were claimed to help the system to function better, cut down wait time, make the process faster, screen applicants better, and to prevent needl ess complicationsRead MoreThe Immigration And Refugee Application1016 Words  | 5 PagesBackground Toylan Zelinski (â€Å"our client†), a Ukraine national, has applied for refugee status based on his homosexuality. A few days ago, Ukraine State authorities convicted our client, in absentia, for engaging in homosexual activities. As per your email of October 28, 2016, you have asked me to research on the possible impact of the above-mentioned conviction on our client’s immigration and refugee application in Canada. You have specifically asked me to address the following two questions: Issues:Read MoreA Guide For How Refugee Protection System1730 Words  | 7 Pagesimmigrate elsewhere for protection. Australia is a large, wealthy country in comparison to many of the other places surrounding it, and therefore many refugees look to Australia for help in times of need. In order to have a structure for the large number of asylum seekers, the Australian government implemented a Refugee Policy in the 1970s. Over time this policy has undergone many changes and caused some controversy, but it continues to act as a guide for how refugee protection system works in AustraliaRead MoreWho Should Determine Refugee Policy870 Words  | 4 PagesWho should determine refugee policy The fundamental definition of refugees include natural disaster, war, class oppression, national oppression, religious, racial discrimination, change of borders and so on. They were forced to leave their homeland because of some or all of the possible reasons. And the United Stated have been working towards the largest refugee camp in the world due to U.S. policy and diplomacy. After the mid 1970s, a prominent American immigration policy issue facing the problemRead MoreThe Asylum Seeker Is Defined As Person Who Has Fled Their Own Country And Applied For Protection As A1446 Words  | 6 Pagescountry and applied for protection as a refugee. (Australian Human Rights Commission, 2015).According to the Convention on refugees, ‘a refugee is someone who has travelled outside his or her own country and cannot return due to a well-founded fear of persecution because of his or her race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion’ which was stated in the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. As soon as a person in a refugee situation and flees toRead MoreThe Principal Agent System1623 Words  | 7 Pagesdelegation of power allows employers to threaten deportation at their own discretion. The INA (Immigration and Nationality Act) was formed in 1952, and has since been amended multiple times over the ensuing decades, but remains the most collected and representative body of American immigration law. In 1986 the IRCA (the Immigration Reform and Control Act) and the IMFA (the Immigration Marriage Fraud Amendments Act of 1986) were passed from legislation to law. These laws collectively served the purposeRead MoreDomestic Violence Against Immigrant And Refugee Women1050 Words  | 5 Pages4. How can Canada protect and welcome refugees and newcomers? How can domestic violence against immigrant and refugee women be prevented? Some of the ways Canada can protect and welcome and protect refugees by; Making the status in Canada secure- This means that Canada should make permanent residency open to all including migrant workers. They should not restrict the Permanent Residency to only those coming for high wage jobs. There should be a legislation and enforcement to protect them effectively
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Need for More Medications for Dementia - 967 Words
Current medications for dementia are limited and there is a need to explore traditional medicinal system to investigate the agents that can prevent progression of memory loss or improve the existing capacity of learning and memory. Thus present study was carried out to evaluate the effects of Ayurveda drug formulations, Tinospora cordifolia (Tc) Phyllanthus emblica (Pe) with and without Ocimum sanctum (Os) on learning performance and memory of mice. We also tried to investigate the possible mechanisms of these plant drugs for their effects on learning and memory using Scopolamine, Diazepam and Cyclosporine as amnesic agents. Methods: After approval of Animal Ethics Committee, Swiss albino mice of either sex, and weight 18 to 25 grams were divided into 7 groups, administered orally either distilled water, Rivastigmine (2.4mg/kg), Tc (100mg/kg), Pe (300mg/kg), Formulation 1 (Tc+Pe: 400mg/kg) and Formulation 2 (Tc+Pe+Os:400mg/kg) daily for 15 days. Piracetam (200mg/kg) was injected daily intraperitoneally for 8 days. The mice underwent a learning session using Elevated Plus maze. Retention of learning (memory) was tested 24 hours later. Results: The mice pre-treated with modern as well as Ayurveda drugs showed trend towards reduction in transfer latencies but the values were statistically comparable to vehicle control. In the entire drug treated groups, a significant reduction (p0.05) was observed after 24 hrs in transfer latencies. Vehicle control did not show suchShow MoreRelatedThe Cognitive Effects Of Single Diagnosed With Dementia1642 Words  | 7 PagesDementia is a condition resulting from obtained brain disease and distinguished by progressive decay in memory and other cognitive fields such as judgment, abstract thinking, language, and executive functioning. This disease is usually caused by degeneration in the cerebral cortex, the part of the brain responsible for thoughts, memories, actions, and personality. Death of brain cells in this area leads to the impairments that distinguish dementia. Though the cognitive outline of single diagnosedRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Dementia935 Words  | 4 P agesâ€Å"Worldwide, 47.5 million people have dementia and there are 7.7 million new cases every year†(WHO). Dementia is not a specific disease. Instead, it is a broad term used to describe a wide range of symptoms that impact one’s daily functioning (ALZ). These symptoms are associated with memory, thinking, and social abilities (Mayo Clinic). While signs and symptoms of dementia can differ based on the cause, there are several common cognitive and psychological changes that occur. Common cognitive changesRead MoreTaking a Look at Dementia1005 Words  | 4 PagesDementia is a broad term that encompasses a variety of different diseases and syndromes(The dementia timebomb, 2013). About 38 million in the united states and 820,000 in the United Kingdom are diagnosed with one of the over 100 types of dementia. It is also and aged related condition, so most people inflicted with it are older rather than younger. A person can have multiple forms of dementia or a disease such as alzheimers diseases that involves dementia symptoms. Symptoms of dementia include:Read MoreAnalysis and Desc ription of Dementia Essay1741 Words  | 7 PagesDementia is characterized as a condition where the mental processes of cognition and memory start to deteriorate. It is described as a syndrome that hinders the daily lives of those who have it and is characterized by memory and thinking impairment. The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer’s Disease and the second most common is vascular dementia. Dementia is a syndrome occurring usually, but not limited, to people over the age of 40 and is due to brain damage caused by natural deterioratingRead MoreEssay Overview of Dementia1381 Words  | 6 PagesDementia is a syndrome, which is usually of a chronic or progressive nature, which causes deterioration in cognitive function. It goes beyond what is expected from normal aging. It causes changes in what you remember, like appointments, or phone numbers. It may cause you to get lost in a familiar setting like driving to the grocery store. You may not be able to balanc e your checkbook or add up your points in a card game. Communication becomes difficult; as you cannot find the words you want toRead MoreIs It Ethically Correct to Hide Medication in Food and Drinks of Patients with Dementia?1534 Words  | 7 Pages‘covert medication’ means to give medication secretly hidden in food or beverages, without consent from patients. For some this practice seems far less intrusive than administering injectable medication by physically restraining a person who does not want to be medicated. It will be undetected by the person receiving the medication. According to the Alzheimers Society there are approximately half a million people living with dementia in England. Dementia is not a specific disease. Dementia is a progressiveRead MoreElderly Abuse Issues1420 Words  | 6 PagesProtecting Canada’s Seniors Act, which increased awareness on the issues facing the elderly population of 65 years and above (Sibbal Holroyd-Leduc, 2012). This paper will examine three contemporary challenges facing the cohort, including elderly abuse, dementia, and polypharmacy, while preventative strategies and recommendations addressing these issues will be offered. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines abuse towards seniors as, a single, or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurringRead MorePlay Therapy Is Used As A Modality1398 Words  | 6 Pagesbe able to do anything for themselves and they constantly will need someone around just in case they need something. Dementia is a symptom that affects a person’s memory as well as their thinking and their social abilities. This disorder interferes with a person’s daily functions of life, and it affects their function on the day-to-day activities. Many treatments can be used to treat dementia. According to the mayo clinic most dementia cannot be cure but there are ways to manage disorder so that aRead MoreBlack Box Warnings1182 Words  | 5 PagesCertain antidepressant medications such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), can be beneficial to children and adolescents with MDD. Certain psychotherapy modules also have been shown to be effective. However, our awareness of antidepressant treatments in children and adolescents, though growing substantially, is incomplete compared to our knowledge about treating depression in adults. †¢ Recently, there has been few trepidation that the use of antidepressant medications themselves may induceRead MoreSymptoms Of Patients With Dementia962 Words  | 4 Pagesexpress the pain that they feel to the people around them. This article goes into depth of how patients with dementia or Alzheimer’s don’t necessarily get the pain management to meet their needs and ways for medical professionals and the family members can understand that just because the patient cannot express the pain in a way that they understand it doesn’t mean that they are pain free. Dementia is defined in the article as ‘a group of syndromes characterized by progressive decline in cognition of
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Behavior And Attitudes At Workplace Samples †
Question: Discuss about the Behavior And Attitudes At Workplace. Answer: Introduction The purpose of the following paper is to focus on the various aspects in the workplace that are concerned with behavior and attitudes. These things are very important for a newer outlook in the organizational excellence. The employees have to keep their decorum in the workplace and they must be showing their best attitudes at the workplace since it is very important to impress the higher authorities to improve their positions. The employees must feel aligned with the culture of the organization and their attitudes should represent the same. The employee attitudes reflect the image of the organization itself (Alvesson 2012). The attitudes of the employees are very significance since it is the mirror image of the sincerity and graveness of the employees. The question of job satisfaction is an important thing because an employee will not be able to survive in an organization where he cannot feel safe or comfortable. Every organization has some missions and goals and the employees must b e feeling committed to fulfill them. This organizational commitment has to be measured in this aspect as well (Mowday, Porter and Steers 2013). Organizational commitment Organizational commitment means the emotional and psychological attachment of the employee to his or her organization (Ycel 2012). Generally, there are three types of organizational commitment that exists in the modern business environment. These three types of organizational commitment are affective commitment, continuance commitment and normative commitment. Affective commitment Affective commitment means the kind of emotional attachment to the organization and the deep desire that the employee shows to stay in that particular organization for a long time. The employees who have a good rate of emotional attachment with the organization have a good affective commitment (Ghosh, Reio and Haynes 2012). Continuance commitment The continuance commitment is the factor for which the employees of the organizations feel that they should not be leaving the organization and if they do so, that will be very problematic and costly for them (Meyer et al. 2012). The employees might even find that the particular employee might face long term unemployment because of that step. Normative commitment According to the normative commitment, the employees feel that he should stay in that organization for that time because perhaps it is the best thing to do at that moment (Eslami and Gharakhani 2012). Job satisfaction Job satisfaction is one certain thing that the employees search for when they begin to work for an organization (Wong and Laschinger 2013). On the reverse, it is the duty of the organizations to ensure the employee satisfaction. Also, another important thing for the organizations is to focus on employee retention. The organizations have to provide the employees with proper satisfaction so that they will be looking to stay in the organization for a longer period of time. The human resource managers should make sure that the employees are taken care of and they are well paid as per their qualification and experience. There are several factors that are responsible for the job satisfaction of the employees. One of them is to show the proper respect to the employees by the management. The management also has to keep the trust and faith on the employees that will cater to the mental comfort of the employees and then only the employees will feel to deliver their best efforts for the organiz ation. The job security of the employees must be ensured and the managers have to create a safe working environment. The employees should not be embarrassed or harassed at the workplace by their colleagues or their seniors (Anitha 2014). The employee should feel that they should have a broad career path from their current employment position. The employees must feel that they are given the proper benefits and wages at the beginning of the month. Employee attitudes The employees must feel that they are working in a positive working atmosphere and this has to be created by the employees themselves by showing competent attitudes at the workplace. The attitudes of the employees will determine that they are the perfect faces for the company to be showcased (Robertson, Jansen Birch and Cooper 2012). It is obvious that the skills in the workplace and experience are the most important assets for the employees but it cannot be denied that a proper attitude of the employees should not be ignored as well. A proper attitude by the employees is helpful for building an impressive view about the employees from the senior management and the higher authorities. An employee can be termed as a loyal employee only when he has fulfilled the rules and regulations of the company properly. It must be remembered that his attitude should not also harm the ethical guidelines of the organization. These attitudes have to be followed by the employees if he desires to be va luable employee for the organization (Robertson, Jansen Birch and Cooper 2012). Respectfulness Respect is one of the most important aspects of the employee attitude. It is always helpful for the employees to show a respectful attitude towards the senior management (Grover 2014). The interaction between the employees and the senior management should be based on respect. The employees should behave with the clients and the colleagues with proper respect. The employees who show proper respect towards their colleagues and seniors, get the same treatment from the opposite end as well. This is very helpful for the employee retention (Grover 2014). Prideful attitude The prideful attitude of the employees is sometimes good but it sheds a negative impact on the management as well. The employees who have a prideful attitude do not show that much energy in working harder for achieving the organizational goals. The prideful employees refuse to help others and gets in trouble in future for that (Sirota and Klein 2013). Commitment The employees must stay committed and loyal towards the organizations. The employees should also think in the same line as the organizational objectives. They should be able to play their job roles perfectly and match the expectations from the management (Sirota and Klein 2013). Innovation The employees who can innovate must utilize their skills in the workplace. They should apply their thoughts and implement the strategies in the organizations they are working for. They will be able to accomplish the tasks assigned to him by implementing some innovative methods (Tang, Pee and Iijima 2013). It may happen that these strategies may not be helpful in one case but in long term scenario, these will be helpful. Helpfulness The employees should always be helpful towards their colleagues. This will help them to attain a better position from the viewpoint of their colleagues. Helpful people always get special attention from the workplaces. The employees should help their clients or customers as well so that it can bear a good impression in their minds. Care for the employees by their managers The managers should always care for their employees and always motivate them in their hour of need. The talent of the employees varies and the managers should always motivate the less talented employees. The managers should always talk to the less talented workers and discuss about their weaknesses and advise ways on how to improve them (Carlton and Perloff 2015). The behavior and the attitudes of the managers decide on how the employees should look at them. Another duty of the managers is to present the image of the organization in a positive way because the new joining employees do not have a proper view about the organization. This way the employees will be feeling safe in the working environment (Carlton and Perloff 2015). The loyal and committed employees should be rewarded with their due honor. The dedicated employees should be presented with the rewards and recognitions for their dedicated work and the employee who neglect their work should be given punishment through several means (Singh and Mohanty 2012). It is the duty of the managers to communicate with the employees personally so that they can feel assured that they are valued in the organization and they are a part of it. The managers should be making a big mistake if they do not communicate with the employees personally and choose to show their attitude their attitude in front of others employees. The managers should always with utmost confidence and motivational power that will inspire the employees as well (Singh and Mohanty 2012). This will be transformed into the minds of the employees and they should feel confident about their roles in the organization. It is the managers call after all to feel to make the employees learn about new things in the organization and feel confident from within. If the motivation is not there, the employees will never feel that zeal to work with their best efforts and represent a better brand image for the organization. The managers should also make sure that their subordinate employees are completely dedicated towards their organization (Singh and Mohanty 2012). The productivity of the organizations will increase only at the time when the employees will be giving their best efforts towards it. The employees must perform their works more sincerely and then they will feel a strong and positive bonding with the organization. The performance of the employees will work as the step ladder to gain better positions in the future. The organizational commitment will be very important in that context (Singh and Mohanty 2012). Conclusion The paper can be concluded by saying that organizational commitment is an essential thing in every organization for the employees. It should be increased so that the employees should gain better lifestyle in his coming years. The challenging business environment is very critical to survive and the employees should be doing their best so that they can survive and thrive in this scenario. They must follow the guidelines of the organization properly and respect the employment conditions for a secure future. References Alvesson, M., 2012.Understanding organizational culture. Sage. Anitha, J., 2014. Determinants of employee engagement and their impact on employee performance.International journal of productivity and performance management. Carlton, D.W. and Perloff, J.M., 2015.Modern industrial organization. Pearson Higher Ed. Eslami, J. and Gharakhani, D., 2012. Organizational commitment and job satisfaction.ARPN Journal of Science and Technology,2(2), pp.85-91. Ghosh, R., Reio, T.G. and Haynes, R.K., 2012. Mentoring and organizational citizenship behavior: Estimating the mediating effects of organization?based self?esteem and affective commitment.Human Resource Development Quarterly,23(1), pp.41-63. Grover, S.L., 2014. Unraveling respect in organization studies.Human Relations,67(1), pp.27-51. Meyer, J.P., Stanley, D.J., Jackson, T.A., McInnis, K.J., Maltin, E.R. and Sheppard, L., 2012. Affective, normative, and continuance commitment levels across cultures: A meta-analysis.Journal of Vocational Behavior,80(2), pp.225-245. Mowday, R.T., Porter, L.W. and Steers, R.M., 2013.Employeeorganization linkages: The psychology of commitment, absenteeism, and turnover. Academic press. Robertson, I.T., Jansen Birch, A. and Cooper, C.L., 2012. Job and work attitudes, engagement and employee performance: Where does psychological well-being fit in?.Leadership Organization Development Journal,33(3), pp.224-232. Singh, R. and Mohanty, M., 2012. Impact of training practices on employee productivity: A comparative study.Interscience Management Review,2(2), pp.87-92. Sirota, D. and Klein, D., 2013.The enthusiastic employee: How companies profit by giving workers what they want. FT Press. Tang, J., Pee, L.G. and Iijima, J., 2013. Investigating the effects of business process orientation on organizational innovation performance.Information Management,50(8), pp.650-660. Wong, C.A. and Laschinger, H.K., 2013. Authentic leadership, performance, and job satisfaction: the mediating role of empowerment.Journal of advanced nursing,69(4), pp.947-959. Ycel, ?., 2012. Examining the relationships among job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and turnover intention: An empirical study.International Journal of Business and Management,7(20), p.44.
Monday, April 13, 2020
Revolutionary characters free essay sample
Now this process helped shaped the colonies culture of civility because the colonists were never hunters. When the colonists got to the North America they already knew that their society was going to stem from agriculture. That Is what happened in the southern colonies. These colonies produced tobacco, indigo, and rice. Then after a large period of agricultural growth in the southern colonies the northern colonies started to produce raw materials to trade back to England. Then after that they started producing finished products but this did not go along with Britains mercantilism policies. Either way the colonies culture was to trade goods and raw materials commercially. This Is what makes the colonies so unique. This is because for most countries this process of climbing the metaphorical latter of social civility would have taken so much longer. That is how the social theory of civilizations social process was made and how It came to shape the cultural civility In the American colonies. We will write a custom essay sample on Revolutionary characters or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The Founding fathers view of their role In shaping political and social culture of Revolutionary America was to be leaders.One prerequisite of being a leader back in the 18th century was to act like a gentleman. The qualities of a gentle man includes being Tolerant, honest, virtuous, and lastly candid. This was extremely crucial In forming a political and social culture in our country. That is because this means that the leaders of our countries should abide by these principles of being tolerant, honest, virtuous, and candid. One In particular that sticks out of this list Is candid. Especially in todays politics there are very few leaders and politicians that are honest and candid.Today we find many leaders lying and making false promises to the citizens Just to be elected or In our present day case reelected. Uses one could say that the original principals that this country was technically founded on are not being fallowed by todays leaders in Americas. The founding fathers also played a gigantic role In the social culture In America. The social culture In America was very unique at the time. When you are born in America you are not already put into a social class. There is an equal opportunity for each and every person.And the role that the founding fathers had played In this was being the people who wrote the constitution which says what we can or can not do also known as our set of laws. It says in the constitution that all men are created equally which socially speaking there are not any nobles there are not any serfs or lords there are Just citizens. But what happens to slaves? Well in Thomas Pains common sense he says that the government should own property. But if all men are created equal then how can a man be another mans property. The founding fathers had decided and played a large role in the social culture of The United States but however they never made a concrete law or amendment about slavery in the constitution. Eventually this issue will come up time ND time again and this issue will finally be solved almost a century (a hundred years) after this country was founded in the civil war. The founding fathers view of them self effected the ultimate goal of the American Revolution. The way our founding fathers viewed themselves was that they were civilians fighting for the right to be free.This made a major impact on the American Revolution. This is because now the ultimate goal of the American Revolution was to have a free nation away from the mercantilism policies of Great Britain. Well at least that was the goal on the surface. Below this goal were a set of economic goals that were set out by our founding fathers. All of our founding fathers were very wealthy men and smart men. I believe that before when the colonies basically had self rule they made a lot more money.I believe to the public eye this revolution was a about land and liberty but to the founding fathers it could have Just as easily been about one thing, and that is that there was a lot of money to be made off of America and they were going to make it. Before the American Revolution was completely underway one of our founding fathers John Hancock was someone who would smuggle cod fish room Cape Cod Massachusetts all the way to the Caribbean and he was making a good living. Once Great Britain had stopped their salutary neglect and began to actually in force the navigation acts things for smuggling founding fathers started to change.Now Britain had begun to regulate the selling and buying of these products which mainly effected the smugglers or d ealers of these goods. These dealers Just so happen to be our founding fathers. As much as an American that I want to believe that our revolution was fought for the pursuit of freedom. I can not. This is because he beginning of the revolts were purely stemmed from an economic basis. The original ultimate goal of the American Revolution was to be free from Britain not because they did not have rights.It was to break away from Great Britain so they could be able to establish their own free trade away from Britain and not have Great Britain take a cut of the percentage of what the colonies were producing and selling. Another goal of the American Revolution was to not be taxed unfairly by Great Britain. As Patrick Henry said at The House Of Burgess No taxation! Without representation! This means that Patrick Henry thought that it was unfair for the British to pass laws saying they could tax the colonies when the colonies did not have a vote.Technically the colonies did have representatives in British Parliament but, they were not voted into Parliament by colonial citizens which pretty much makes it so that the colonies did not actually have their voice being heard. Instead they did not have a say about what taxes Britain would pass in Parliament, the taxes would be decided for the colonies. Basically the founding fathers viewed themselves differently than the public. The public eye viewed them as people who were trying to eight for freedom and equal rights for all men, but in actuality they viewed themselves as business men and gentlemen.This dramatically changed the goal for power and making a good amount of money from this Revolution by using trade and producing goods and sellin g them to other nations. That is how the way the founding fathers had viewed themselves prior to the American Revolution had changed the goal of the American Revolution from fighting for the right to be free to fighting for the right to trade freely under their own supervision.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
The Importance of Marketing and Corporate Social Responsibility in Sport Creating and Maintaining the Perfect Balance
The Importance of Marketing and Corporate Social Responsibility in Sport Creating and Maintaining the Perfect Balance Introduction Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a form of self-regulation incorporated into organizations which functions as an instrument by which the corporation examines and ensures its active conformity with the provisions of the law, ethical norms, and global practices (Sà ©guin and Parent, 2010). The main role of social initiatives is to uphold responsibility and promote a positive impact through its conduct towards the environment, customers, staff, the immediate community, and all members of the public domain.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Importance of Marketing and Corporate Social Responsibility in Sport: Creating and Maintaining the Perfect Balance specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In addition, CSR actively promotes the community’s growth and development and eradicates norms that harm the public, irrespective of legality. Although there is no single universally accepted definit ion of CSR, it can be summarized as the intentional inclusion of public interest into corporate or organizational decision-making processes, and the honoring of the three corporate pillars: people, planet, profit. CSR ensures that a corporation goes beyond its legal requirements so as to handle staff with dignity, operate with integrity and ethics, respect human rights, sustain the environment for future generations, create strong positive relations with the surrounding communities, being responsible in the community, and a good ‘corporate citizen’ (Inoue, Kent, and Lee, 2011). For a long time, stakeholders have recognized the potential of sports venues and sporting activities to form a platform for undertaking CSR activities. This has resulted into most corporations engaging in some form of CSR activity in sporting events. However, companies have recently shifted their focus driven by profit motivations, and are beginning to move away from CSR related activities to foc us more on increasing their profit margins through such undertakings (Inoue et al, 2011). Although both sponsorship and corporate social responsibility offer sources of funds, resources, and in-kind services to organizations, they differ in the nature of what they expect in exchange. Indeed, some scholars have suggested that marketing and corporate philanthropy sit at opposite ends of a donation continuum. While CSR involves noble donations that are made based on personal values and not on personal gain, corporate decisions to sponsor sport properties are normally driven by business objectives although they may include intention to generate public goodwill regarding the organization and hence lead either to publicity of the whole company or of some of its products (Sà ©guin and Parent, 2010). However, one thing is clear: both CSR and sponsorships help a company in its marketing initiatives. In fact, sponsorships can wholly be regarded as a marketing initiative.Advertising L ooking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Corporate social responsibility is becoming increasingly important to organizations, governments, and service providers as they strive to meet the challenges of social and economic problems while altering welfare environments and this can be attributed to a number of factors, economic, social, cultural, legal and technological and so on. However, according to Sà ©guin and Parent (2010), progress in this area is often hampered by the fact that the field is under researched even as corporations face new demands to improve their accountability, transparency, integrity, and ethical behavior while observing the interests of its staff and that of the general public. Indeed, a study by Ludwig and Karabetsos (1999) reported that few researchers have focused on how corporations and organizations can create an equilibrium between corporate social respon sibility and marketing or sponsorship roles. The objective of this study is to identify the primary factors that influence a corporation’s involvement in CSR, and make recommendations on how a balance between marketing and corporate social responsibility can be achieved Methodology A mixed-methods approach was employed to analyze the motivation and level of involvement of corporations in CSR. A case study of teams participating in the NBA league in the United States was conducted to investigate the use of CSR in a major sporting event. Analysis looked at individual corporations’ contributions, sponsorship activities and the motivation for engaging in these activities. Both quantitative and qualitative measures were helpful in examining the research objective and drawing conclusions. The research incorporates the following: Data gathered from IRS Form 990, 990-PF, and 990-EZ Statistical F-tests Related polls and surveys Additional information from articles and other st udies This research study examines sports foundations in the three major leagues across three quantitative measures: revenues, grants distributed, and net assets. Analyzing annual revenue gives incite into a foundation’s potential for generating income through contributions, gifts, or from charging fees for services. Grants distributed indicate the organization’s current involvement in CSR and net assets indicate their ability to support activities in the future. Assessing these three variables is essential in understanding a sports’ foundations level of CSR and its ability to engage in CSR in the future.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Importance of Marketing and Corporate Social Responsibility in Sport: Creating and Maintaining the Perfect Balance specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The qualitative statistical methods used include One-Way ANOVA F-tests and Chi-Square/Contingency Tab le tests. These tests will determine the statistical significance of the relationships between CSR and different variable factors (including marketing and CSR roles). The ANOVA-test reveals if there is a significant difference between the level of contributions, profitability, and levels of CSR activities. Qualitative analysis focuses on the NBA and its recent spike in CSR activities. Conclusions are drawn from polls and surveys conducted by ESPN, and analysis of articles on the topic. Organizations normally fill Form 990, 990-PF, or 990-EZ with the IRS. The form details information on the corporation’s mission, programs, and finances. The goal of the qualitative methods is to determine the extent of CSR in the NBA, their impact on the league and players, and the factors that influence a franchise’s CSR decisions. Results and Discussion This study used a mixed-methods approach to develop an understanding of the involvement of professional sports franchises in CSR. The underlying research question looked to identify the extent to which sports franchises engage in CSR and factors that influence this involvement. Quantitatively, this study proved that the league a corporation is involved in does impact its CSR activities. ANOVA tests showed that performance impacts the level of CSR. In the NBA, there is a relationship between winning and charitable grants distributed. Teams with a winning season attract a larger level of sponsors and donations from corporations than losing teams. Qualitatively, a case study of the NBA revealed that player perception and league image is a motivating factor in determining the league’s level of CSR. Hence, CSR activities impacted positively on player performance on the pitch. The question on the factors that influence corporations to engage in CSR was observed as an intervening, or confounding variable, as it featured strongly in both the ANOVA and quantitative analyses. Corporations that invested more in CSR ac tivities experienced a steady increase in profitability and product awareness. Surveys conducted showed that persons who supported a particular team were more likely to purchase products from the sponsors. When faced with two options of purchasing two similar products, a person was more likely to purchase the sponsor’s product. Hence, it was concluded that marketing and profitability were major factors in corporations’ engagement in CSR activities. However, it was postulated that corporations’ engagement in sports is purely from a corporate social responsibility perspective and that the numerous benefits come automatically in virtue of the corporations’ CSR activities. Further research should be undertaken on this topic.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Future of CSR in Professional Sports Several theories have been put forward to explain why corporations engage in sporting activities. Some of these theories point to a corporation’s objective of increasing its involvement with the local community, to increase general public awareness of the company, to enhance the corporation’s image, to alter or influence public perception of the company, to block competition, to increase sales and/or market share, to increase product awareness, and to reach a target market (Mullin, Hardy, and Sutton, 2000). Either way, corporations need to establishing a perfect balance between CSR and marketing so that both the company and the public can benefit the corporation’s involvement in the event, rather than the current situation where corporations are the predominant winners in many sporting activities(Mullin et al., 2000). This balance can be achieved through the following strategies. Responsibility Corporations can create a balan ce between marketing and CSR by engaging in responsible advertising and in the dissemination of information. While the sponsors are accorded the rights to air advertisement of their products and engage in product awareness campaigns during sports events, corporations must refrain from running programs or commercials that may harm participants, the audience, and viewers in any way. This observation mainly applies to corporations that produce alcoholic products such as Heineken and Anheuser-Busch (Polonsky and Speed, 2001). Corporations should run responsible drinking programs at their own will and not just due to coercion or pressure. Similar policies should be adopted by tobacco manufacturers. This would create a balance between marketing and CSR. Life, Health, and Safety of all While signing sponsorship agreements, corporations should bear that every party within the particular sporting scene is important towards the successful staging of the event, be it the spectators, participan ts, or persons watching at home. Consequently, the corporations’ sponsorship package must include programs aimed at enhancing the lives, health, and safety of all parties involves whenever they can (Walker Kent, 2009). The activities could include programs to prohibit any doping practices; preventing accidents (or improving safety); providing medical care to the participants; workers and people involved in the organization of the games; prohibition of exploitation of Child Labour and forced Labour; and realization of buildings, equipment, and facilities in compliance with national and international laws and ILO Conventions (Polonsky and Speed, 2001). Environment Sustainability Sponsors must understand the effect of sports activities on nature as well as the flexibility of the natural area being used to withstand the various activities being undertaken during the sporting activities. Consequently, they must guarantee the highest level of safeguard of the territory and pursue the objectives of environmental improvement, taking into account the principles of sustainable development (Mullin et al., 2000). Environmental sustainability is spelt out in many policies pertaining to particular sports, for instance, in the Olympic Games, the Olympic Movement Agenda 21 focuses on the reinforcement of environmental education of youth during the games. Environmental sustainability is a very important subject and each sponsor must strive to play a role in enhancing environmental protection and conservation. Integrity and transparency Integrity, transparency, and participation should be viewed not as constraints, but rather as conditions of efficacy and efficiency, because they enhance the credibility and authority of the complex action of â€Å"governance†on which the success of the sports events hinges (Walker Kent, 2009). The corporation must embrace integrity and transparency in all of its activities in relation to the sponsorship deal. Conclusion A recen t shift in CSR activities has seen activities transform their corporate goodwill to a profit-motivated venture while sponsoring sporting activities. This shift has seen companies pay less attention to societal needs but engage in aggressive marketing techniques in total disregard to the well-being of the rest of the society. Consequently, there is an urgent need for companies to realign their sponsorship activities so that a balance is created between marketing and CSR. Elements such as responsibility, taking the matter of all stakeholders at heart, environmental sustainability, and integrity and transparency can significantly help in bringing back the balance between CSR and sponsorship of sporting activities among corporations. References Inoue, Y., Kent, A., and Lee, S. (2011). CSR and the Bottom Line: Analyzing the Link between CSR and Financial Performance for Professional Teams. Journal of Sport Management. In press, uncorrected proof. . Ludwig, S. and Karabetsos, J.D. (199 9). Objectives and evaluation processes utilized by sponsors of the 1996 Olympic Games. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 8(1), 11–19. Mullin, B., Hardy, S. and Sutton, W. (2000). Sport Marketing (2nd ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinesics Polonsky, M.J. and Speed, R. (2001). Linking sponsorship and cause related marketing. European Journal of Marketing, 35(11/12), 1361–1385 Sà ©guin, B., and Parent, M. M. (2010). Corporate support: a corporate social responsibility alternative to traditional event sponsorship. Int. J. Sport Management and Marketing, 7(3/4), 522-30. Walker, M., Kent, A. (2009). Do fans care? Assessing the influence of corporate social responsibility on consumer attitudes in the sport industry. Journal of Sport Management, 23, 717-742.
Monday, February 24, 2020
International Developments That Have Critical Implication for Essay
International Developments That Have Critical Implication for International HRM - Essay Example A number of important international developments are presently taking place that has critical implication for international HRM. They include; (a) the growth of multinationals in the emerging markets, (b) constant increment levels of foreign direct investments, (c) the growing power of cross-border alliances (M&As) that involve companies from the emerging markets, (d) a growing trend in business process outsourcing, and (e) the challenges posed by the current financial crisis and the way to manage effectively in difficult times. The emerging international economic scenario characterized by the rise of economically stronger emerging markets is creating serious challenges for the IHRM policymakers; however, the same scenario lays immense opportunities for the IHRM researchers. The model of strategic international HRM (SIHRM) is based on the earliest and most famous article by Schuler, Dowling and De Cieri. The model describes endogenous and exogenous factors and strategic components th at have an effect on SIHRM policies, issues, functions, and practices. They, in turn, affect the MNC goals such as efficiency, learning, flexibility, effectiveness, responsiveness, and transfer. According to the model, the external factors (industry characteristics, country-regional characteristics and inter-organizational networks) have an effect on the internal organizational factors, strategic HRM and MNE (multinational enterprise) concerns and goals. The internal organizational factors, strategic HRM and MNE concerns and goals affect each other. The internal organizational factors include; (a) MNE structure – structure of the international operations, intra-organizational networks, mechanisms of coordination, and modes of operations, (b) MNE strategy – corporative level strategy and business level strategy, (c) experience in the management of international operations, and (d) headquarters international orientation. Strategic HRM entails HR function strategy and HR practices. MNE concerns and goals entail competitiveness, efficiency, the balance of local responsiveness and international integration, and flexibility.
Friday, February 7, 2020
Summary Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 7
Summary - Assignment Example These elements were witnessed in the movies that were created in Hollywood during the session of 1940s. He asserts that these four elements make up the best definition of film noir. Schrader states that the very first element that defines a film noir is the dillusionment that arose after the World War II and the war itself. He states that during the period of 1930s and 1940s, moviews were made for the purpose of conducting propaganda and helping people cheer up due to their sufferings of the issues of the WWII and the Depression. He states that during the early period of the 1940s, movies such as The Maltese Falcon and Laura came into existance and they were a true form of film Noir. In these films, the dillusionment experiencedby the whole nation was portrayed. These movies and the movie The Blue Tahlia represented the scenes of soilders returning back home and they have no work and women had lost tehir jobs. He further asserts that the second most element that is requried to recognize a movie as film Noir is post-war realism. He states that after the war, Americans were demanding for authencity in the media industry, they no longer wanted to see moves that were melodramatic and represnted the higher class. They wanted the real image of the society to be portrayed in the movies and wanted these movies to be about the issues that they were experiencing. Their tatse for sets even changed and they no longer wanted the actors to make movies in fake settings, they wanted them to shoot movies on the street. For exmaple: They wanted the actors to work in locations such as Norma Desmond’s mansion which was broughdown during the `957. The third element that differentiates a movie as being a film noir is that such movies used to be influenced by the Germans by a certain extent. This is because during the period of 1930s, there was an increase in the spread of Nazism and several individuals had
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Rachel Carson and the Fight Against Indiscriminate Pesticide Use Essay Example for Free
Rachel Carson and the Fight Against Indiscriminate Pesticide Use Essay In her 1962 book, Silent Spring, Rachel Carson details the dangers of indiscriminate pesticide use, which had â€Å"already silenced the voice of spring in countless towns in America†(Carson (1962) page 3). ‘Miss Carson,’ as many of her detractors referred to her, received ridicule from academics, industry leaders and professional journals for over a decade. Years after her death, conservative and libertarian groups such as the Cato Institute, American Enterprise Institute and the Competitive Enterprise Institute attacked her and the apparent successes for environmentalism in the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency and the ban of DDT to provide an example of a ‘failed’ government program. Rachel Carson revealed the dangers imposed by indiscriminate pesticide use in her 1962 book, Silent Spring. Although Carson used DDT as her focus, the chemical was an example of the numerous synthesized pesticides employed in many aspects of mankind’s daily lives. As a biologist with the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Carson was alerted to the â€Å"numerous case reports of damage to birds and fish after DDT application†and believed that â€Å"because DDT was so effective, it unbalanced ecosystems†(Oreskes (2010) page 219). Carson expanded her research and eventually published her revealing book to alert the public and bring an end to indiscriminate use. The book made numerous claims against pesticides, illustrated the destruction caused by prior use and warned of a future in which â€Å"over increasingly large areas†¦ spring comes unheralded by the return of the birds, and the early mornings are strangely silent where once they were filled with the beauty of bird song†(Carson (1962) page 88). These â€Å"elixers of death,†she warned, are less insecticides as they are â€Å"biocides†(Carson (1962) pages 15, 8), infiltrating water supplies, food supplies and organisms from the bald eagle to man. â€Å"If [Silent Spring] stimulated the public to press for unwise and ill-conceived restrictions on the production, use or development of new chemicals, it will be the consumer who suffers.†Dr. William Darby, 1962 Heralded as one of the most influential books in the environmental movement, Carson’s writing was less scientific and more thought provoking. Her often-extreme word choices and diction provided a sense of urgency for some, but drew many detractors. Doctor William Darby, a Professor of Biochemistry at Vanderbilt University, reviewed Silent Spring shortly after its publishing. According to Darby, the â€Å"dramatic description[s]†were simply a ploy to mask other scientific findings are mislead the public (Darby (1962)). Darby accused Carson of â€Å"name-drops by quoting or referring to renowned scientists out of context†¦ [leading] the reader to conclude that the authority mentioned is in accord with the author’s position†(Darby (1962)). To further refute her claims, Darby refers to her as â€Å"Miss Carson†throughout his essay. This treatment of certainly harmed, or was an attempt to harm, her credibility in the scientific field. He continues â€Å"her ignorance or biases on some of the considerations throw doubt on her competence to judge policy†(Darby (1962)). Darby stated that â€Å"if it stimulated the public to press for unwise and ill-conceived restrictions on the production, use or development of new chemicals, it will be the consumer who suffers.†Here was an academic, in the field of biochemistry, blatantly denouncing Carson and her conclusions. In The Chemicals Around Us, a viewpoint published in Chemical Weekly in July 1962, Carson was referred to as a â€Å"crank†and that her writing style was more indicative of â€Å"a lawyer preparing a brief†(Chemical Weekly (1962)). Obviously a somewhat biased publication, the article continued to claim that although â€Å"her facts are correct, her conclusions less certain, and her innuendos misleading†¦ such a public be damned attitude was outmoded some years ago and†¦ too many people are watching.†The phrase, â€Å"too many people are watching†referred to the chemical industry and pro-chemical government, implying that despite her efforts, they would fight back against such erroneous claims with ease. Carson’s detractors were not publishing this information against her for publicity, but were concerned. They were not concerned about the indiscriminate use of pesticides, but rather the ability of public outrage and the future of the chemicals industry. By attacking Carson’s conclusions and writing style, they could distract from the dangerous scientific findings. Facing harsh criticism, Carson’s urgent push for policy against indiscriminate pesticide use seemed to stall. When President Kennedy tasked the President’s Science Advisory Committee with investigating the claims, a new hope emerged. Although the committee did not back or deny Carson’s claims, they lay the burden of proof â€Å"on those who argued that persistent pesticides w ere safe†(Oreskes (2010) page 222). The paradigm shifted against the chemical industry. The findings established that the industry itself was tasked with proving the pesticides used were not a danger to human health or the environment, â€Å"explicitly invoking the standard of reasonable doubt,†rather than those against indiscriminate use proving pesticides were a danger (Oreskes (2010) pages 220-224). According to Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway in their 2010 book, Merchants of Doubt, â€Å"the legal phrase reasonable doubt suggests that they were guided by existing legal frameworks†¦ to demonstrate the safety of their products,†and that â€Å"manufacturers had not demonstrated the safety of DDT, and reasonable people now had reason to doubt it†(Oreskes (2010) page 222). It took two more Presidential Administrations before President Nixon authorized the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency in 1970 and in 1972, the ban on the use of DDT in the United States. The environmental movement, the work done by Rachel Carson, the President’s Science Advisory Committee, numerous scientists and the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency and banning of DDT was often heralded as a true governmental policy success story. Not until the early 2000s did the evidence exist that DDT was in fact harmful to humans, and a dangerous carcinogen (Oreskes (2010) page 229). For three decades, the establishment of the EPA was used as an example to follow for the creation of new social, economic and environmental policies. As conservative and libertarian think tanks in the mid 1990s were facing new policies and government regulation conflicting with their ideals, a new strategy for combat emerged. By slandering Carson, â€Å"freemarketeers realized [they] could strengthen the argument against regulation in general. (Oreskes (2010) page 218). To argue against regulation, they would destroy the main example of successful policy and regulation: the establishment of the EPA and banning of DDT. In the late 1990s, groups such as the Cato Institute, American Enterprise Institute and the Competitive Enterprise Institute renewed the attacks on Rachel Carson and the â€Å"junk-science†â€â€scientific findings that could not be explained under the free-market systemâ€â€that led to the ban of DDT in the United States. These think tanks, backed monetarily by Philip Morris and other corporation, â€Å"organized off-the record briefings [with members of Congress], wrote and placed op-ed pieces, and organized radio interviews†(Oreskes, (2010) page 234). The Heartland Institute, focused on â€Å"free-market solutions to social and economic problems†¦ insist[ed] that some one million†¦lives could be saved annually†in developing countries around the world through the use of DDT (Oreskes (2010) page 2 33). There were even claims that her â€Å"false alarm†about pesticides led to the death of millions, making her â€Å"worse than Hitler†(Oreskes (2010) page 217). By destroying Carson’s reputation at the expense of key facts and scientific findings, these groups were changing history. â€Å"Orwell understood that those in power will always seek to control history, because whoever controls the past controls the present†(Oreskes (2010) page 238). Conservative and Libertarian think tanks believed they could control history to derail the progress of regulatory authority in the United States. In the forward to Silent Spring, Carson quotes Albert Schweitzer, â€Å"Man has lost the capacity to foresee and to forestall, He will end by destroying the earth†(Carson (1962) Forward). According to Carson, â€Å"it took hundreds of millions of years for life to produce the life that now inhabits the earth†¦ [and] to adjust to these chemicals would require time on the scale that is nature’s, it would require not merely the years of a man’s life but he life of generations†(Carson (1962) page 7). Rachel Carson believed indiscriminate pesticide use and the continued development of synthetic chemicals would devastate our planet in a way that would require generations for the environment to reach equilibrium. E. B. White, an American essayist once wrote, â€Å"I am pessimistic about the human race because it is too ingenious for its own good. Our approach to nature is to beat it into submission. We would stand a better chance of survival is we accommodated ourselves to the planet and viewed it appreciatively instead of skeptically and dictatorially†(Carson (1962) Forward). By allowing the leaders of this nation to be manipulated by groups controlling history, we failed not only Rachel Carson, but ourselves, our environment and our future. Carson, Rachel. Silent Spring. Boston, Massachusetts: Houghton Mifflin Co, 1962. (Carson (1962)) â€Å"The Chemicals Around Us.†Viewpoint, Chemical Weekly. July 14, 1962: 5. (Chemical Weekly (1962)) Darby, William J. Text from Jukes, Thomas, 1962. â€Å"A Town in Harmony.†Chemical Engineering News (Aug 18): 5. (Darby (1962)) Oreskes, Naomi, and Erik M. Conway. Chapter 7: Denial Rides Again. Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming. New York: Bloomsbury, 2010. (Oreskes (2010))
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
John Adams by David McCullough Essays -- Biography John Adams McCullou
John Adams, by David McCullough      The book, John Adams, by David McCullough, is a powerfully written biography of one of our nation’s greatest heroes. This biography explores Adams’ life in great depth, unveiling a side to his life unbeknownst to those who have never studied his life in great detail. Through diary entries, letters, and various other documents, the reader grasps a sense of what Adams’ day to day life was like, and is also able to grasp the enormity of his lifetime accomplishments.      In the battle for independence from Great Britain, the founding forefathers of our country came together, uniting for a common cause they would end up fighting for with their lives. Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Samuel Adams, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and many others take part of this panoramic chronicle of Adams’ life, all coming together because of their devotion to their country.      In particular, of these men, Thomas Jefferson especially is exposed, and his relationship with Adams is explored, as it is a crucial fluctuating one. Though born opposites, they forge a relationship as diplomats, and as close friends, only after meeting and working together, however. In a letter to James Madison, before Jefferson first went to France to work with Adams, he likens him to a poisonous weed. After becoming great friends in Paris, however he writes back to Madison, â€Å"He is so amiable that I pronounce you will love him if ever you become acquainted with him†. Later on though, as the advent of political parties comes into being, and during the intense struggle for the presidency of the election of 1800, the two become archrivals. Incredibly, after this, they become close friends once again, and amazingly die on the same day.      The other relationship described in great detail was that which he shared with his wife, Abigail Adams. Through all the times he spent away from her, working arduously for the freedom he was so determined to secure for the thirteen colonies, they stayed strongly attached, and wrote numerous letters to one another, many of which are shared. He writes to her while in Congress, one time sharing with her, â€Å"We live, my dear soul, in an age of trial. What will be the consequence, I know not.†She encourages him, giving him her approval and support, in one letter writing, â€Å"You cannot be, I know, ... ... to the realness of this man. This book was first published in 2001, in New York. Though probably released before the September 11 attacks, it is assurable that if it had been released after, the direct correlation of the American hero would be made of John Adams. I think that the author’s goal, in writing this book, is to present the reality of this particular co-revolutionary, which through all the primary documents especially, he was very successful in doing. The single most memorable thing that I learned about were the relationships that Adams had, with other familiar names. This book had really helped me to understand the happenings that went on in the life period of Adams, but also really just how all these historical co-revolutionaries and Founding Fathers were all related.      On a whole, I found that the scholarly reviews of this book were very positive. Most of the responses of other scholars were those of praise and commendation on such a great book, an interesting and valid view on the life of John Adams. Works Cited: Gelles, Edith. â€Å"The Adams Phenomenon.†November 2001. http:// January 2002)
Monday, January 13, 2020
Letter of Motivation
Motivational letter for university admission Search Send a Message T his message will be pushed to the admin's iPhone instantly. Dear Sirs. Madams I am interested to apply f or a Master's Degree Program in {name od the programme} starting in 2013. graduated in 2011, f rom the University of {name od the university}, USA and hold a Bachelors degree in {name od the programme).T he f our year undergraduate program in {name od the programme} f ormed the asis of my perseverance towards achieving an in-depth knowledge in the f ield of -. As a part ot my degree course I studied various subjects relating to diverse aspects ot {specify} which Includes {specify}. During my bachelor studies, I underwent the experience of developing a {specify}. under the supervision of Prof {name} along with my colleague have prepared the {specify}. While submitting the assignment, our lecturer observed {specify} and recommended our product f or {specify}. pon receiving this acknowledgment of my work I would lik e to carry on my penchant f or specify}, as this {methodology, issue} is gaining increasing Importance, in all aspects and is having signif cant impact on almost all industries and all areas of society. T here is an ample scope to prove one's ability, competence and intelligence in this revolutionary and potentially very benef ictal {methodology. issue. theory}. Besides the college academics I was actively involved in the extra-curricular activities.T he driving f orce behind all this was my aim to develop all the f acets of my personality. In this process I could not achieve the grades I wanted to, in the f irst and second ear. But soon I garnered the skill of Judicious allocation of time and energy. I do not f eel that the marks I scored are the sole indicators of my understanding of the subject. A cogent reason to augment my bellet is the t inal year of my studies, where with strong f ocus and hard work, I excelled In my graduation with dlsunctlon.Considering my excellent record, my college of f ered me f or a Job as a lecturer. Also f or the past twenty months I have been working as a {specify}- In {speclfy} department of {specify}. My work has helped me develop a thorough insight Into eturn to the academic world f or f urther growth. It has given me the conf idence to pursue a Master's degree and also kindled a desire to do research. T his career with open prospects has given me constant incentive to improve myself and to gain more knowledge, Today I perceive that lif e f or me has been a process of conscious evolution.An integral part of this growth has been the value system imbibed in me by my parents, teachers and mentors and an immense liking f or science. As I embark upon a new I OF2 stage 0T my IIT e, I Delleve tnat a postgraduate study wlll prov10e a mllestone In my areer along with invaluable experiences that will allow me to become a successf ul, innovative prof essional and assist in accomplishing my goals. Ten years f rom now, I envisage myself as a f ull-f ledged research prof essional in an organization, or a f aculty member at some leading university.My decision to pursue graduate studies in the United Kingdom is underscored by my desire to be a part of the graduate program at your institution. T he pioneering works going on at the -{specify}-department , which include the development of {specify}, perf ectly match with the f ield of my interest. T he interdisciplinary nature of {specify rogramme, field} has convinced me in taking this decision as it is the ideal choice f or an exciting research career. At the same time, I am conf ident of contributing originally to the ongoing work at your department.By working under the guidance of distinguished f aculty, I shall certainly be able to exploit my potential to the f ullest. T he department web site revealed very strong f aculty like Prof . {NAME} involved in extensive research in the area of {specify}. T his has strengthened my resolve to study at University of {NAME}. I am conf ident that the erudite f aculty will make my learning experience extraordinary. If I get the opportunity to be a part of that intellectually stimulating environment, I am sure my talents will be put to optimal use.I am conf ident that overall opportunity to study in Europe will broaden my horizons and give me an opportunity to gain world class education and help me become an excellent world citizen. I would theref ore, f eel obliged to be able to secure admission in your prestigious university with f ull f inancial assistance and pursue my M. S. program. I am sure that I will match all the credentials and will be able to maintain high standards at your university. Letter of Motivation I am interested to apply f or a Master’s Degree Program in {name of the program} starting in 2013. I graduated in 2011, from the University of {name of the University}, USA and hold a Bachelors degree in {name of the program}.The four year undergraduate program in {name of the program} formed the basis of my perseverance towards achieving an in-depth knowledge in the field of –. As a part of my degree course I studied various subjects relating to diverse aspects of {specify} which includes {specify}. During my bachelor studies, I underwent the experience of developing a {specify}. Under the supervision of Prof {name} along with my colleague I have prepared the {specify}.While submitting the assignment, our lecturer observed {specify} and recommended our product f or {specify}-. Upon receiving this acknowledgment of my work I would like to carry on my penchant for {specify}, as this {methodology, issue} is gaining increasing importance, in all aspects and is having signi f icant impact on almost all industries and all areas of society. There is an ample scope to prove one’s ability, competence and intelligence in this revolutionary and potentially very benef icial {methodology, issue, theory}.Besides the college academics I was actively involved in the extra-curricular activities. The driving force behind all this was my aim to develop all the facets of my personality. In this process I could not achieve the grades I wanted to, in the first and second year. But soon I garnered the skill of judicious allocation of time and energy. I do not f eel that the marks I scored are the sole indicators of my understanding of the subject. A cogent reason to augment my belief is the final year of my studies, where with strong focus and hard work, I excelled in my graduation with distinction. Considering my excellent record, my college offered me for a job as a lecturer.Also f or the past twenty months I have been working as a {specify}- in -{specify} d epartment of {specify}. My work has helped me develop a thorough insight into return to the academic world for further growth. It has given me the confidence to pursue a Master’s degree and also kindled a desire to do research.T his career with open prospects has given me constant incentive to improve myself and to gain more knowledge.Today I perceive that life for me has been a process of conscious evolution. An integral part of this growth has been the value system imbibed in me by my parents, teachers and mentors and an immense liking f or science. As I embark upon a new stage of my life, I believe that a postgraduate study will provide a milestone in my career along with invaluable experiences that will allow me to become a successful, innovative professional and assist in accomplishing my goals. Ten years from now, I envisage myself as a full-fledged research professional in an organization, or a faculty member at some leading university.My decision to pursue graduate st udies in the United Kingdom is underscored by my desire to be a part of the graduate program at your institution. T he pioneering works going on at the -{specify}-department, which include the development of {specify}, perfectly match with the field of my interest. T he interdisciplinary nature of {specify program, field} has convinced me in taking this decision as it is the ideal choice f or an exciting research career. At the same time, I am confident of contributing originally to the ongoing work at your department. By working under the guidance of distinguished faculty, I shall certainly be able to exploit my potential to the fullest.The department web site revealed very strong faculty like Prof . {NAME} involved in extensive research in the area of {specify}. This has strengthened my resolve to study at University of {NAME}. I am confident that the erudite faculty will make my learning experience extraordinary. If I get the opportunity to be a part of that intellectually sti mulating environment, I am sure my talents will be put to optimal use. I am confident that overall opportunity to study in Europe will broaden my horizons and give me an opportunity to gain world class education and help me become an excellent world citizen. I would therefore, feel obliged to be able to secure admission in your prestigious university with full financial assistance and pursue my M.S. program. I am sure that I will match all the credentials and will be able to maintain high standards at your university.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Bronfenbrenner s Ecological Perspective Theory - 928 Words
While considering how Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Perspective theory applies to my life, there are three major things that come to mind: being a co-care giver for my grandfather along side my father, the family I nanny for, and my other job at a special recreation agency. These three things are currently what my life revolves around, and are the entirety of my micro and mesosystems. These three things are the center of all my most important relationships. The relationship my grandfather and I have is a very precious gift to me. He has been one of the few of my family members to always support my decision to become a teacher, and he and grandmother were the ones who took care of me when I was younger. Their values and way of life have greatly affected me in who I am today. They taught me the values of hard work, focusing on education, and caring for others. Now that my grandpa is no longer able as independent as he used to be, my dad and I take shifts doing what we can between our schedules to prepare food, upkeep his apartment, and assist with other daily tasks so that my grandpa can stay where he lived with my grandma. My dad has always been a gifted caregiver in his past careers, and this definitely a trait I share with him. Now we both use this skill to return the favor to my grandfather. This is a humbling task that we would not entrust to anyone else. The woman I work for has become a huge part of my life. While working for Jenny and caring for her three girls forShow MoreRelatedThe Major Components, Strengths, and Limitations of Urie Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Model623 Words  | 3 PagesDevelopmental psychologist Urie Bronfenbrenner first introduced the Ecologicial Systems model in the 1970’s. Bronfenbrenner argued that to understand human development, the environment in which the person belongs must be understood (Bronfenbrenner, U.1979). The Ecological Systems model concentrically depicts how a person’s developme nt is influenced by their wider environment. In the original model there were four ecological levels in the system, however in 1979 Bronfenbrenner added an additional fifthRead MoreThe Bronfenbrenner Theory Essay1228 Words  | 5 PagesThe composition of Urie Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory cultivate a framework to study the numerous connections between the developing child from mother and father relationships to the environment, community settings, cultural influences and financial factors. The four levels of environmental stimuli the micro- , meso- , exo- and macrosystems, each intermingled within one another representing degrees of personal connections. Change and constancy are mediated by the passage of time. The chronosystemRead MorePiaget Of A Child s Brain Development Theory1057 Words  | 5 Pagesare constantly learning about new theories and expanding the knowledge on those that we already know, about the physical and mental development of Children. Through past and present theorists, we are shown whole new aspects of how a child develops to make up the being that they become. Through Piaget’s ‘Congnitive development theory’ we are shown the stages of a child’s brain development with a strong focus on the ages newborn – 11 years onwards. Piaget’s main theory is that children are able to constructRead MoreThe Ecological Systems Theory Developed by Urie Bronfenbrenner1314 Words  | 5 Pagesdevelopment. The Ecological Systems theory developed by Urie Bronfenbrenner exposes these influences and discusses how they can either have a positive or negative impact on the relationship children have with their parents, peers and community. In an ever-changing occupation, it is important that theories can first be practically used throughout the industry, and also adapted easily when changes are made throughout time. Developed in 1979 by Urie Bronfenbrenner the Ecology Systems Theory focuses on theRead MoreBronfenbrenner s Bio Ecological Systems Theory Essay1553 Words  | 7 Pagesfamily often do the same thing. Bronfenbrenner’s Bio-Ecological systems theory, is a tool that can help a person studying Human Development understand the aspects of living that shape who a person is and who they will become. There have been several attempts by many people through history, Fraud, Vygotsky, Piaget to understand the developing person, but all have failed to view the individual in the context of their lives. In his theory Bronfenbrenner attempted not to separate the individual from theirRead MoreEcological Systems Theory : Urie Bronfenbrenner1378 Words  | 6 Pages Ecological Systems Theory – Urie Bronfenbrenner Urie Bronfenbrenner was an American developmental psychologist who most is known for his Ecological Systems Theory of child development. Scientific work and his assistance to the United States government helped in the formation the Head Start program in 1965. Bronfenbrenner’s research and his theory was key in changing the perspective in developmental psychology by calling attention to the large number of environmental and societal influencesRead MoreThe Role Of Primary Carers On Children1716 Words  | 7 Pages Similarly Bronfenbrenner recognised the importance of primary carers to children, his ecological system proposes that children are affected by many social factors and those closest to the child have the greatest impact. In the ecological system the parents and family are represented by the micro system, they are closest to the child and have the most influence them and their learning potential. (Bronfenbrenner, 1979). Therefore it is essential that the early yearâ⠂¬â„¢s educator has a positive relationshipRead MoreCompare and contrast the developmental life span theories742 Words  | 3 PagesUrie Bronfenbrenner perspective on lifespan development was the bio-ecological approach which suggest that five levels if the environment simultaneously influence indviduals. He tagged different aspects or levels of environment that influences a child’s development. Urie Bronfenbrenner five major systems are called microsystem; which is everyday immediate environment in which children lead their daily lives. Second is the mesosystem; which provides connections between the various aspects of the microsystemRead MoreThe Impact Of Divorce On Childhood Development2370 Words  | 10 PagesDevelopment Based on the Ecological Systems Theory Gianna Marie Helmer, LPN Excelsior College Abstract The first three years of a child s life are the most significant for growth and development, both mentally and physically. Young children perceive situations and events that occur in their environment differently depending on their developmental stage. Urie Bronfenbrenner is a psychologist that came up with the Ecological Systems Theory which is a modern theory of development. TheRead MoreThe Importance Of Play Development Of Children1821 Words  | 8 Pagesrelevance of play in the development of children, in terms of physical, social, intellectual and emotional growth. This essay also compares and contrast the different socio-cultural perspective of play between the Philippines and New Zealand. 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